Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Hi, all - excuse me for pushing you all to the blog - it's just a bit easier to put comments and so forth on here rather than on the photo site.

Firstly, the photos from the Havant match are here:

I have to give credit to the Havant lads: having had a really tough match in the first half during which (I think) they gained in confidence during the game they then had to watch an entirely fresh team come on to take them on in the second - very impressive that they kept their spirits up.

Still, I think we put some good moves together - and in fact I think this is the first game I can remember when both wingers scored - from some very nice team moves in both cases, as I recall. Not to mention Ollie's headlong dive and Callum's "runaway train" try up the middle.

Hmm. Caption photos - here are my two suggestions:

"Let us never speak of this again!"
(could be attributed to any of those in the picture)



And speaking of photos - not very many people have requested copies of the two team photos from earlier in the season, so I have not ordered any at all yet. In fact, to tempt you, we made another one just before the Havant game, of the whole squad this time. This time, rather than putting 6 photos online and getting you to pick your favourite I chose which was the "best" face to insert on the final composite print.

Here's the final result, which you can also find at http://www.testvalleyphotos.co.uk/WRFC/HavantSquadPhoto/HavantGroupComp.jpg

Let me know if you want a copy of _this_ one. I will try to remember to bring a copy along on Sunday.

That's all for now.



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